SPAIN STAGGEHED. 1 The Master Ely. Are You Insured $2.00 Is the Usuel Price For Leotler Seat A. COCUf A little cloud seems to be ris to pic cribca a IF NOT- dozen dif fTi lTY I THE KE17.WAY. I 1 1 i ft 1 UJ7C-V ferent rem- ing oyer the peace commission at Paris.
edict for 11 III A i4X the symptoms of one Although the members of the disease ia like an old- commission express themselves 7m ft I Mil! I time tarn- key forcing 1 satisfied so far as matters have advanced, still the Spanish side Ei 1 fc about a ponderous WOVEN used to think "female diseases' could only be treated after "lo-c a 1 examinations" by physicians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women Silent about their The Introduction of buncn of keya. 1 SWZ. I is showing some restive noss. each one to open a different door.
"I FT THE ONE RPOT ON EARTH WHERE A MAN FLNDS SOLID COMFORT is in hlj own home. So when you have once secured ont ee that yea fcsep it This is due to the firm stand When anyone'i blood is thin and of the Americans. watery and toi The latest news is to the ef toned with bilious impurities this condition will shew itself in ev- rt II m. Wine of Cardu! has now demonstrated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all. The simple, pure fect that the United States intends to insist upon the cession of the whole island of Luzon, on which Manila is situated, and upon the absolute independence body and the av- eras doctor fives one medicine for of the rest of the archipellago.
the stomach, another for the bead, a third for the longs and so on; as if each particular symptom was a separate dungeon of misery to be unlocked with its own particular key; but the scientific, experienced physician looks deeper and seeks the one master-key which unlocks them This is said to be a severe blow for Spain's commissioners, if It has leaked out that Spain Thirty years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. found the wonderful "Golden Medical Discovery which has since made hoped to deal with the Phillips him famous: It is the perfect master-key which unlocks every torture chamber of pines on the basis of the pro to weakness and pain caused by faulty action of the diirestive system.
It gives the atom ach and blood-making glands power to produce the healthy blood which drives out all col that is to 6ay, the cession of Manila and one island for a coaling station. As Manila is the key to the Philippines, the other impure diRease germs and waste products, and builds up healthy tissue, solid muscu lar flesh and nerve energy. taken In the icy of a woman's own heme'ies quick relief and speedy cure. Women need not hesitate now. Vine of Cardut requires no humiliating examinations for its adoption.
It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For idvlca In eases requiring special directions, addresi, riving- symptoms, the "Ladles' Advisory Department, The Chattanooga Medicine Chattanooga, Term.
W. I. ADDISOH, W.D., Gary, saysj I use Wine of Cardul extensively In my practice and And it a most excellent Mr. T.V. Brtttin.
of Clinton. Dewitt 1H- islands would be virtually under (P. O. Box 475), writes For over year I was troubled with 'liver had no appetite, could km nothing on rav stomach aad had the control of the United States. by placing insurance on it in a good, Bolid company, sothat'you will be case ol fire.
Our companies are prompt in payment, vast in resources, and offer you ieasonable rates. We make a specialty of insurance in all ltd branches. Geo. W. Dewey Bro.
GOI.D BOIU). N. C. Under such circ*mstances Spain severe pains in my stomach and bowels. I doctored with home doctor but did not obtain relief until a friend advised me to take Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. After taking- four would not wish to keep the is- lauds, but had hoped to sell them bottles I think myself cured, ss I can eat anything: I want and my food never hurts me. Thanks for your medicines. I cannot say too as dearly as possible, but this much in lavor of them." For constipated conditions Dr. Pierce'a hope is shattered if it be true that America, in addition to hold- Pleasant Pellets are the best simple, com.
fortable laxative. They never gripe Ac Rocker Like This. 4 -We Sell it for P35 Mahogany finish or solid oak. If you see this rocker you will agree that it is the best one for the price you ever saw. If you need rockers, mm BOND.
cept no substitutes or imitations. iog Luzon, the most important island, will insist upon the When death stares a man this is your chance to get a We have only fiveIdoznr and tar independence of the other is lands. already sold a great number of them. the face and he lives to tell the tale he spends lots of time telling It is stated that the Spanish Royall Borden. A.
C. DAVIS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, GOLDSB0K0, Practices In thejeountlesjot Wayne, Duplin and Sampson Special' flUentlon'iGive to Insurance Law, and all matters Life and Fire Insurance. it. commissioners have received defi nite instructions to resist the ces For surfaces, sores, lrsect bites.a' diseases and especially piles, Straw Hats there Is one reliable remedy, Do Witt's eion of Luzon unless tfco United States shall agree to assume the Witch Hazel Salve. When sou cai for De Witt's, don't accent counterfeits Alxlx ORADE8.
LOWEaT FRIGB8 Full line LADIESV18LIPPER8, from 48 cants to 12. See sllppen or frauds. You will not be disappoint ed with DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve, FRANK BOYETTE, Dr. wholo Philippine debt. It appears that Spain's repre, sentatives will refuse even to con J.
H. Hill Son, Goldsboro, and John Bold elsewhere at 2.50. JUST REIOEI of celebrated Helser Shoes, In pat. leatherl R. Smith, Mt.
01IV9. Dentist. Men look forward into the fu sider tho indepondenco of the other 0 fflce in Borden building, over Bizzell islands. lure, while women dwell upon the RIBBONS. Ribbons at remarkably low prices.
QTSee us on anything in general merchandise, if you want to save money. All goods delivered free of charge. Something special in Umbrellas. Yours, anxiou; to please, cSoiilberlapd, Brlgkley Go. rJroa.
l-o. 's dry goods store. GOLDSBORO, v. There seems to be some reason past. for the dissatisfaction of Spain One Minute Cough Cure eurprises people by Its quick euros and children mav take it In larce quantities with- Under the terms of the protocol SOAP they are powerless.
out the least danger. It has won for 1 Tk rnrUd JBtates Fidelity and Guaranty Company becolnes surety on Bonds of Officers and Employee of Bask a. Mercantile Houses, Railroad, Express and Telegraph Com Official of State, Cities and Counties, and for Contractors. Ala on Bonds of Eiwut.ors, AdminiKtra tors. Guardians, Trustees, Receivers, Assignees, Committees, and in Replevin, Attachment and Injunction Oases, and all undertakings in Jndio id Proceedings.
Accepted by the United State Government as Sole Surety on Bonds of Distillers, Collectors of Customs Kiid Internal Revenue, Gaugera, btorek nepers, and other Government OSicials and Employees. Also accented by Judges of State Courts, ai of the Circuit and District Courts tf United States. Tr-i undersigned has been ap. feinted Attorney and rtpreeniatrvw of tl nbove company. The ekargeg very reasonable.
Full partial on application. A. DAVIS. Ursuline Academy OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION, COLUMBIA, S- G.v CONDUCTED BT THE URSflUHE NUNS. Delightful site; la'ge nodern building, thoroughly hcatod and ventilated.
Gas, baths and best sanitary arrangements. Training thorough; prices moderate. For terms apply to MOTHER SUPERIOR itself the best reputation of any prep Learn to say "NO'' when a dealer The Ladies are invited to visit our aratlon used to day for coidB, croup tick line in the tbroat or obstinate The coughs. J. H.
Hill Bon, GoldsborO; offers you something "just as good" in Place of Hood's Sarsaparilla. Thera can be no substitute for America's Greatest Medicine. and John U. smith Mt. unve A A violinist works a bow and Pall Opening some girls do likewise, but they spell it differently.
Hood's Pills cure nausea, sick headache, and all liver ills. Price 25 cents. MostWonderful CLEANER Ever Invented Washing Made Easy- How to Prevent Crouy. We have two children who are sub Next Tuesday and Wednesday, Oct. 4th and 5th.
All the styles and Patterns of ject to attacks of croup. Whenever an A financial note says that money is easier. Perhaps it goes that way, but it doesn't seem to come any easier. attacK is coming on my wife gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it alwaya prevents the attack. It is a household necesblty In this count and MILLINERY Of Interest to Ladies I We now have on display in our More than twenty million free sam- Salve pies of DeWitt's Witch Hazel no matter what else we run out or, it would not do to be without Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
More of it is bold here than of all other cough med- have been distributed by the manu- will be on J. W. Bizzell Co. jewelry emporium a beautiful line No rubbing on Washboard. No boiling necessary.
No blueing to be added. Makes clothes last longer. Half latfor saved in washing. Makes clothes clean and white. Directions with each package.
clnes combined. J. M. NiCKLE, of Nicklo merchants, Nlckleville, 'acturers. What better proof of their tonfidence in its merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, Scalds, Bores in the shortest space of time.
J. H. Hill on Golds ooro, and John It. Smith, m. Olive a.
D'or sale by M. uj. uooin- Lady Agents Wanted! son and wuiofs Pharmacy, Goldsboro and by Jno R. Smith at Drs. John Williams Spicer, Physicians and Surgeons.
Office over National Bank. GOLDSBORO, N. C. To sell and take orders for our Mt Olive. PRICE, 5 GTS- The gallants of the summer girl are now being mustered out of active service.
Premature gray hair often Satteen and Moreen TJnderskirts. We make an elegant line of Sateen Skirts, 3 yards around at bottom. Queen Olives in bottles, causes the good to dye young. Offer their professional services to New Pickles just received A stubborn cough or tickling In the the public for the treatment of Heinz's Worchester Sauce of Paris Table Ware, Decorated: Sterling Silver and Plated goods. We invite the ladies to call and in spect these goods they must be seen to be appreciated pur interest lies in the result of an, inspection the goods contain the charm.
When out jewelry shopping it will be to your advantage to take a look at my stock of Watches, Diamonds, and Novelties. REPAIRING THE FINEST Experience and practical knowledge combined to guarantee satisfaction, R. A. WATTS, Agt. West Centre Street MOZLEY'S LEMON EL1X1K.
They are ready sellers at a good profit. For Catalogue, terms and full particulars, write diseases of all kinds, and in general nractice. throat yields to One Minute Cough Cure Harmless in effect, touches tno right spot, reliable and just what is wanted 1 acts at once. J. H.
Hill Son, Goldsboro, and John Smith, A Pleasant Lemon Drink, Regulates the W.H.Barnes, sept 22 GOLDSBORO BAKERY. CRAYTON SKIRT Auburn, N. Y. Oeace Liver, Stomach. Bowela and Kidney.
For biliousness, constipation and Mt. Olive. malaria. The man who talks the most Stenography and or indigestion, sick anu nervous about obliging his friends very seldom does it. headache, IS STILL DEsIHED AND ADVOCATED IN THE AP-FAIRS OF OUR NATION, For sleeplessness, nervousness and You invite disappointment when you heart failure.
For fctyer, chills, debility and kidnev experiment DeWitt'B Little Early diseases, take Lemon Elixir. TAUGHT and work in typewriting solicited. Terms and charges mod Miss Hanna M. Bodell, Hisers are pieasant, easy, tborough ittle pills, They cure constipation and lor natural and thorough or sick headache just as euro as you take erate. ganic regulation, take, Ltiouon Elixir.
But there Is still War at Au Store Onfilflii Prices ouo and SI bottles at druggists. inem. mil son, uoldsboro, and John u.8mlth Mt. Olive. Prepared only by Dr.
H. Mozlev. Mrs. Emma H. Kornegay.
Atian Office at home: or orders left at Some men get into financial Formerly of Rocky Mount, N. has opened a music school at her studio In the ARMORY building, above the Book Storoentranoo from West Centre stroet. A Prominent Mlnliter Writes. straits and others get into finan Abous office will be promptly de livered. 1 After ten years of groat sufferlnir cial crookflds, rrom great nervous rostration, biliousness, sorderod idneys and constipation, I lave been KelieliniSix Hours.
JOE MERRITT CO. cured by Dr. Mozley'g London Elixir. Distressinsr Kidnev and) Bladder and am now a well man. The work will include diseases relieved by the "New Great Rev.
O. Davis, Eld. M. E. Church.
South. bouth American Kidney Cure," ThU Call at my store and I will prove to your that I am selling goods cheaper than any man in town, I carry a general fctock, consisting of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, SJipes, Tobacco, Snuff, Groceries, Etc. PIANO, VOICE CULTURE, new remedy is a great urprise on aO' No. 28 Tatnal St. Atlanta, Ga countjjf its exceeding' promptness in PIPE ORGAN, THEORY OF DEALERS IN Walnut op.
I. B. Focvlelle, GOLDSBORO, N. 0. We sell the noted Randolph Buggy, which has no equal; and several other relieving pain In the bladder, kidneys A Prominent Sfemphlan Writes MUSIC AND HARMONY.
Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta: Having back and every part ol tho urinary passages in mafe or female. It alieves been a groat sufferer for three years from indigestion, and been treated by retention of water and pain in passing A private recital will be given each it aimost lmrteaiateiy 11 you wan aulck relief and cueth is your, rem- month. MAN? MEN HAVE MANY MINDS, 'bat when the subject is our fine laundry work, they are linked In on7 and that is that the laundry work done by our up-to-date and perfect methods gives more genuine satisfaction, for Its beauty of color and exquisite finish in cheaper makes of durable wear.
many physicians, who railed to give me reiki. Continuing to grow worse, my brother advised me to try Dr, Mozloy's ddy. Sold by Robinaon 3ro, Concerts at close of each session. Give us a call. We will satisfy you.
ruggl8t. Oold8boro.N Lemon Elixir, wnicn remedy he had The price for two lessons a Week, (a half hour each), is used for sevoral years. 1 commenced iVB. Edmuttdsoit. THE HUSTLER.
It is difficult, to convince its use, and must say that your Lemon loafer that he bores a busy man. Four Dollars Per Month Elixir is the greatest medicine on earth I hrve never suffered a day since I Our little boy was afflicted with rheu commenced using Lemon Elixir, Thank The theory is given free to pupils shirt, collar or cuff, than you can obtain anywhere else, Goldsboro Steam Laundry, T. MATHEWS, Manager, GOLDSBORO, H. 0. matlsm in.hla knee; and at times un taking two lessons a week.
lng my brother lor his advice and you for Lemon Elixir, am forever your friend. R. L. Rocco. Real Estate.
FOR SALE I have for sate the val-ablo Dortch farm, Bonltz farm, and several small farms in the country. Also two houses and lots and several vacant lots In the city, If you wish to buy or sell it will be to your Interest to see me. Those whose property's title Is questionable need not apply Business done anywhere in the United States except its latest foreign ablo to put his foot to the floor tried In vain, everything of that we thought would help him. We almost gave op In despair when D. W.
HUKTT, 206 Hernando Memphis, For Sale On Long Time. My Residence on William street opposite the Graded school. For fur. ther information apply to LJ3. HOLT, Goldsboro." Rooms For Rent ueier any one in juenipms to me.
A CARD. errjimil jailor some one advised us to fry Chamberlain' fain Balm. We did so. and the first bottle gave bo much relief that wa got a second one, and, to our surprise, This. is to certify that used Dr.
Mozley 's Lemon Elixir for neuralgia of the head and eyes with the most IP Miss Lena Moore, who lilUvlU taught a music class last year at the office in the rear of the residence of Mrs Finlayson, will fihlKslreaTafr Mrs. Hattie Farrior on John street. She began teaching for the year cured mm sound and well. J. i acquisitions Bayer Paster Christian ChtrrchrIeod marked benefit to uiy general health.
1.1. 1 A1IVA PlUiUVIVUI Letha, Kan- For aa'e by- M. E. Robin ennms for rent in tne Arlinct.rm Ed. Edmundson.
1 would gladly have paid (300 for the relief it ha gives me at a cost of two son as aad Miller's hharmacy. TTnftl RttpH rpasnnalilft Airnlv tnl Goldsboro, and by Jno. R. Smith at or three H. A.
"SALL. Office at F. B. Edmundson 's store. May be seen from a.
Jo 2 s. DiiApER. Patronize Home Industry. Mt oiive in Clerk Sup; Court Raora Ga..