Ooe Pic-nic Baskets. A Democratic Newspaper. Constipation; Headache. Biliousness, Heartburn, Indigestion, Dizziness, large assortment of School We have just received a Pic-nic Lunch Baskets. Any size and price.
Goldsboro Book Stoic For Oorrect Styles in etCs At RHA SON- ABLE Prices. Gall at psteift Bros ODD PRLLOW8' GORNBR. AJFewLSpecialties, now in Peop'a who hare once taken De-. Witt's little Early Risers will never! have anvtbine eke. They are the a-1 'Jwri Hill son, uoiasboro, ana onn Smith.
Mt. Olivr. The two Sam Joneses are great space killers, TO CUBU G0U ONE OAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggist refund money it it fails to cure. 25c The genuine hasL.B.
Q. on each tablet, For There are several And so there are candidates seeking your patronage and support In the grocery business, but FONVIELLE will continue to fun the np-to date grocery store. Just now, while you are trying to think of what you shall harejtor dinner, let us call your attention to our justly celebrated Snow Flake Corn, Early June Peas, Succotash, Lima Beans, String Beans, Concentrated Soups, and Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce will fit nicelv. Then for DESSERT, California Peaches, Apricots, and Mince Pies are good things. And for BREAKFAST, Roe Herring, Delicious Breakfast Bacon.
Buckwheat Cakes, with our genuine Maple and a cup of our famous Seal Brand Coffee; is just the thing. And for SUPPER. Ah 1 Well, don't worry about what you will have to eat just give your order to FONVIELLE, he's the man to set you right. Respectfully, I. B.
Fonvielle. West Walnut Street, and at the Unlucky Corner; Fashionable niLLINERY EVERYDAY. This season has witneesei the arrival of the choicest line of MILLINERY GOODS ever displayed at our store, and the public is cordially invited to call and Inspect same. Remember, we sell Millinery all the time, and our facilities for supplying your needs is not Urn ited. J.
W. B1ZZELL CO. East Centre Street. season 1899. The season is pow on.
My SODA FOUNTAIN is supplied with the 0OoOuOoCOiOoO0aOuOoi COOL DRINKS. My place is headquarters for SHERBETS, PHOSPHrtTE.8. SODfl WATER. LBMONflDB. MILK SHAKES, etc.
I am btill at the old stand, opposite the Kennon botel, and respeotfully invite you to call to see me when thirsty. J. R. GRIFFIN. CONFECTIONER, and Whltkcy Fiblti cured at home with- IWl tlculara gnt to tie OR.
B. M. WOOLLEV 7n I AiK.m. oILca. 104 Korth Pryor St NEW Idea Patterns, perfect fit, at Mrs.
8. D. PfittflWBT'R Pair of gold-r'mmed eye jrlasses: be tween my and that of Miss Caddfb. Fulghum, on Saturday after noon. The fiader will be liberally re warded by returning to me.
A merman I iff 1 No. 1-5x20, all 4 00 25x20, all 1-5x20, A'a 25x20, 3 00 3 00 2 85 3 25 2 50 2 40 2 00 1- 4x20, all 2 4x20, all 14x20, A's a. 2 4x20, A's 3x20. mixed 1 25, froml OOtrt 1 Krt All these grades delivered free to any part of the city, in lota of 1,000 or more. Our terms are cash, except by special agreement We manufacture these goods at our mill, on the bank of Neuse river and solicit a share of the patronage of the people of Goldsboro and promise our best efforts to give satisfaction.
Griffin Brooks. -Al Racket Store This Week. Special bragains in PERCALES, PIQUE'S, DIMITIES, LAWNS, etc. Our line of Spring and Summer Goods is complete in every department. Our specialty this season is Millinery.
Millinery! We also have an immense stock of Hammocks. Croauet Sets, Garden Sets, Foot Balls, Base Balls, Etc. in iact, any tning ana everything you want, you can find at the Racket Store. B. COHEN Co.
East Centre St Administrator's Sale. By vlrtne of an order of the Superior Court of Wayne county, granted March 11th, 1899, in an ex parte proceeding, wherein P. H. O. Duyree, admlnlstr-' tor of Willis Cole deceased.
J. A Cole and John 8. Powell and wife, Amanda C. Powel, children and heirs at-law of Willis Cole, were will, on the 17th day or April, 1899, during the recess of the court, sell for cash, to the highefct bidder, the land described in said order, situate in Grantham Town 6hlp, Wayne Oounty, known as Willis Cole homestead, and bounded and described as follown: Beginning at a horn beam on Mill Creek, then south 12 east 300 poles to a stake, then north, 87 west 49 poles to a stake, then south 74, west 23 poles to a stake on Mill Creek, then down the meander of said creek to the beginning, containing 19fi acres Terms, twelve month's credit, approved security, Title retained. H.
DUPRKE, Administrator of Willis Cole, dee'd. March Uth, 1899. Miss Hanna M. Bodell's Muslo school In the Armory Building, above Hook Store, will begin its ring Term, Feb. 1st.
The work will include PIANO, VOICE CULTURE, PIPE ORGAN, THEORY OF MUSIC AND HARMONY. A private recital will be given eac month. Concerts at close of each session. The price for two lessons a week, (a half hour each), is Foiir DoUars Per Month The theory is given free to pupils aking two lessons a week. New Bicycle Repair Shop Opened.
I have opened a Bicycle Repair Shop, on West Walnut street, opposite I. B. Fonvielle's, and am pre pared to repair bicycles and all other light machinery, I solicit a liberal share of your patronage. With many years of practical experience in repairing and remodeling ma chihery, I hope to give satisfaction. All work guaranteed.
Respectfully, JOS. L. PEARSON. pp FRANK BOYETTE, fig Dentist. 6 Bee In Borden building, over bizzell BroaA dry gocd.
stores GOLDflnona DROPSY! CUMD with Tgetabl HinnuUien. Hst. cured tnnny thmuand cm cull(lhoiles8. In tea tT tlofit twO-tlilr1 of nvmptoTUH ri-TTioT-fl. TutimoninltinnilT1 1 DAIS tremtrnint r.
It. 8. l.1114 lo Published Erery Evening Except Sunday. BY JOS BOB15SOK. nsscxnTiox mem fla Advanoel DAILY ARGUS.
One oopy, one 15.00 ftn nnn. mnnthj. ,2.60 rA One copTi -h riths, uu I Onecopfi one month. '0 flTCEKLY A ROUS. l)ne copy one year In advance II MM it minthl in ftdvAnce .00 .50 One copt three months in adTance 25.
Entered at ihi Pntt fr 'boro, N.C ni.f'Uattw. GOLDSBORO a. APRIL 21, 1899. NEW COTTON HILLS IN THE SOUTH. Birmingham Age-Herald.
No one who does not read a technical paper devoted to cotton-uilling interests can folly appreciate the steady drift of mills to the South The Wool and Cotton Eeporter, published in Boston, for the week ending April 13, is a fair illustration of the present drift in cotton manufacturing. There is no mention in it of anew mill in the northern States; but mention is made of a new negro mill in Jackson, Mississippi, starting with a capital of of a knitting and hosiery mill at WaynesYilld, North Caro Una; of a new mill at Patterson's i Cabarrus county -North Carolina a new 5,000 spindle mill at Baremore, South Carolina; of the near completion of a mill at Gas-toria, North Carolina; of the spindle mi 1 at revolution in Greensboro, North Carolina, which is to bo one of the Lest mills in the South; of; a second cotton mill at Raleigh, North Carolina; of the projected carpet mill, modest in size, at Anniston, Alabama; of a fourth mill to contain 25,000 spin'-dies at West Point, Georgia; of the day operation of the new Par agon mill at Oedartown, Georgia; in which night work will be begun within two weeks; of the progress of the new mill at Benncttsvilte, South Carolina; of the starting op this week of the new Collison mill at Walterboro, South Carolina; and of the raisins; capital for mill at King's Mountain, North Carolina. Counties which have no cotton mills can not fully 'appreciate what the opening of a new mill means in a community; nor do we all appreciate bow rapidly the. mills are coming to the cotton fields. The movement goes steadily on, and it is by no means confined to coarse goods, Mills that spin floe numbers are being built, and some of thesb fiuer grades of yarns are, now woven in the south.
The revolution is none the less important because it is progressing silently and steadily, and even in the teeth of the predictions that the south can never successfully compete with the skill and capital of the northern" states," The men who make such predictions may be lieve what they say, but they no longer find credence for such predictions among the practical manufacturers of cotton goods. The cotton mill men know that the new Fall River of the coua try is Charlotte, and that lesser Fall Rivers will be found all the way from the James river to tb Rio Grande. Bismarck's Iron Nerve Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous energy are not found where Stomach, liver, Kidneys ana lioweis are out of order. you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr.
King's New Life Pills They develop 1 every power oi Drain ana oody. Oaly 25 Goldsboro. 1TCHI on human cured In 80 min-v ooi'ord '8 Eanity Lotion '3. i'cla Yj e. Robia 'oldbboro, -Season.
Indicate that your liver Is of order. Tho best medicine to rouse the liver and core all these ills, Is foand In Hood's PeISs 25 cent." Sold by all medicine dealers. Remarkable Rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plain makes the statement, that sbe caught cold, which set tled on her lungs; she was treat- edfor a month by her family physician, but grew worse.
He told her that she was a hopeless victim of consumption and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking six bottles, found herself sound and well; now dues her own house work, and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at J.
II. Hill Son's, Goldsboro, Large bottles 60 cents and $1.00. How many people remember to dot their and cross their Vs once they have left school. NO.CUIUE KO PAT. That is the way all druggists sell GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIO for Chills and Malaria.
It la simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteles onn. Children lore it. Adults pre fer it to bitter, nauBeatlrg Tonics. Price, 60c. Pig iron production is again moving up ward.
Dr. Cody's Conditio Powden are Just what a horse needs when in baa condition, ionic, Diooa puriner and vermifuge. They are not food but medicine ana the beet in use to put a horse in prime condition Price 25 cents per package. For sale by E. Kobinson ana Hro.
ana uoiasDoro vrve Co. in Goldsboro, and J. R. Smith Mt. OliveN.O.
Both parties will denounce the rusts and do nothing. RHEUMATISM CUKED IN A DAI. 'Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 8 days action upon the system.la remark able and mysteriouB. It removes at once the cause and the disease imme diately disappears. The first dose neatly benefits.
70 cents. Sold by M. E. -Robinson Bro, Druggists, Goldsboro, N. C.
The fighting of the war with Spain lasted only 116 days, Yo'canic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruption rob life of joy. Bucklcn's Arnica Salve, cures them, also Old, Bun ning and Fever Sores, Ulcers, Boils, Felons, Corns, Warts, Cuts, Bruises burns, Scalds, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Best File cure on earth. Drives out Fains and Aches. Only 25 cts. a box.
Cure guaranteed. Sold by J. H. Hill Son, Goldsboro. The time of the esteeme'd Mr, Dick Croker is absorbed by Jel-ferson dinners and; investigating committees, to the conclusion of horses that start but do not win.
One Minute Cough Cure, cures. Tnat la what it waa mad for. Pneumonia, lagrippe, coughs, colds, croup and whoopintr-couiTh readily yield to One Minute Cough Cure. Use this remedy in time and save a doctor's bill or the undertaker's. J.
H. Hill Son, Goldsboro, and John R. bmith, Hi. uuve. Mr.
Mataafa will soon be an other kirg without a job. Story oi a Slave. To be bound hand and foot for years by the chains of disease is tin worst form of slavery. George v. Williams, of Manchester.
Mich, tells how such a slave was made free. He i'My wife has been so helpless for five years that, she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitters, she is wounderully improved and able to do her own This supreme remedy for female aiseases quickly cures nervous ness, sleeplessness, melancholy, healache, backache, fafntiog and aizzy spens. tdis miracle work iog meaiciue is a godsend to weak, sickly, run down people. uvery Douie guaranteed.
Oul 'I 50 cents. Sold by J. H. Hill QonjGoldsboro, 1 TO CURUA COLO IN ONE DAY Take Laxatlve.Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Iruggists refund money if it fails to euro.
2oc ThegenulDe has L. B. one ach tablet, ce Cream Freezers: The Pretty Mattings. The Leonard Cleanable Refrigerator most economical ice saver made. Hammocks, Lawn Swings.
Bamboo Easels New line Picture Moulding. Picture framing neatly done with dispatch. Dressl celftbrated White Artie best on earth. Mountain and The John Slaughter Co. Deodoriie the cdors from sink and Bizzell Wocten, Bill's Druu Beautiful line Photo frames at 3OC Black, Green, Gold and Silver, with easel back.
Call and see them. Fine Line House Fornlsnlnos. Parker Falkener Furniture Co. The Beautiful Orchards In California TRAVELERS tell us that while the famous Big Trees in California cause wonder and amazement, the most beautiful eights to look upon in all that country are the rich orchards of rare and luscious fruits. Most of us have not the opportunity to visit the Golden State, with its mines and minerals and orchards and gardens, but for a small sum we can enjoy many of its luxuries.
We have California CHERRIES, firm, fine and juicy; Claifornia Lemon Cling PEACHES, almost as good as when gathered; California APRICOTS, with that peculiar delicate flavor bo delightful to the taste. Please coll and examine our elegant stocft of canned goods. Both the price and tha goods will please you. Bizzell Wooten. Goldsboro's Leading Grocers.
UP-TO-DATE. We do strictly first-class plumbing and roofing. We carry in stock full line bath room fixtures, Cpok Stoves, Sewing Machines and Tobacco Flues We guarantee to please you. New Stone Front, Near Court Housa Kill Disease Germs 1 Purify the Air In Bloeplnsr rooms. cesspools, sewer gas.
Keep awaysIcknesSand contagion 1 Koch's Disinfectant Maunfctured by SCIENTIFIC CHEMICAL CO-. Goldsboro, N. C. FOR SALE BY The John Slaughter Store and Goldsboro Dru Co..